Skip Novak on Sailing: Words of Wisdom from 50 Years Afloat is a fascinating collection of articles contributed to Yachting World between 2014 and 2023. Drawing on his extensive and wide-ranging experience of different types of sailing Novak offers his own eclectic blend of practical advice and inspirational stories.
The articles are arranged in sections based on the following general topics.
- Learning to sail
- Ocean Racing
- Design and Maintenance
- Technology - Pros and Cons
- Safety at Sea
- Expedition Sailing and Cruising
- Stories from Back in the Day
Within each section they are printed in order of publication. I felt that some had aged better than others although all are of historical interest and often demonstrate how attitudes have changed over the course of Skip’s long career. In some cases he has added a postscript to the article with comments which often demonstrate how his, sometimes outspoken, views have mellowed.
The book covers a multitude of topics but always emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, stressing the value of basic seamanship skills and problem-solving at sea. Novak doesn't shy away from covering traditional techniques like celestial navigation alongside, sometimes critical, discussions of modern technology.
Overall, Skip Novak on Sailing is a fascinating and sometimes amusing book with many thought-provoking insights to make sailing both safer and more enjoyable. A particular strength is Novak's passion for sharing the joys of all forms of sailing and adventure. He describes himself in the epilogue as a “sea going dinosaur” but if so a thoughtful and opinionated dinosaur who is fortunately still alive and kicking.
Given its structure it is probably a book that is best dipped into and I agree with the advice in the introduction that it should be “in that basket next to the loo and certainly on your bookshelf on board in the pilot house (if you have one) for those long watches.”
Available from Bloomsbury Publishing at £13.49